Drawing new boundaries for Maryland's congressional and state legislative districts is not an activity reserved for the Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission (Commission) alone. You can do it too.
The Commission accepts and welcomes input and recommendations from the public via public hearings and has posted tools on its website that will allow anyone with a computer to recommend what new districts should look like.
Congressional and state legislative district boundary plans proposed by the public are referred to as Plan proposals. This guidebook provides information to prepare a Plan proposal to submit to the Commission for consideration.
The foundation of Maryland’s online tool is a software platform made by Caliper called
MORe (Maptitude Online for Redistricting). This platform is an established and proven mapping tool. The application provides features and functionality for plan management, visualization, editing, and community collaboration. For this reason, citizens are strongly encouraged to use the Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission’s online tool to submit Plan proposals. However, plans submitted utilizing other mapping software will be accepted.
Round 3 virtual meetings are underway and are every Wednesday night in October at 6 p.m. The map portal is NOW OPEN for citizens to submit additional maps for consideration by the Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission (Citizens Commission). Draft Congressional and state Senate maps drawn by the Citizens Commission can be found
here. Draft legislative district maps will be discussed by the Citizens Commission at their
working meetings and will be posted at the same link as the Congressional and state Senate maps. Any additional comments can be sent to the Citizens Commission at redistricting.commission@maryland.gov. Thank you.
<< Read the Plan Proposals Submission Guidelines >>